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Gayle Lawrence nominated by Barbie Lewis

Gayle Lawrence is one of the most kind and caring people I know. She navigated the Union Public Library Association through the pandemic as the group celebrated its 200th anniversary in 2020, ensuring that everyone stayed safe and connected through her many acts of kindness. She spread the word to let the group know when a member was celebrating a birthday, not feeling well or dealing with a loss, so friends could rally around to offer their cheer or support during milestone life events. Gayle sent cards, flowers, messages and gifts throughout the year, letting people know they were not alone. Gayle is also kind to animals and the environment. She has adopted older dogs, knowing she and her family won't have them as long, but giving them love and a wonderful life for their golden years. Gayle supports environmental organizations, giving freely and lovingly her time and talents to protect our natural resources. I have been and continue to be very fortunate to have Gayle in my life, as are so many others!


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